Thankfully, one cannot purchase fulfillment; instead, they can earn it! I think those who lead fulfilled lives set that specific goal for themselves -- every day.
For example, you've identified steps to help you categorize what is a priority in your life. Those are conscious steps to living your fulfilled life. Thank you for sharing them!
Finally, the airport story struck a chord with me. My wife and I recently listened to an audiobook on the power of habits and willpower, and I thought about that audiobook as I read your story. I wonder, is it possible to be more self-aware when we're exhausted? I mean, we know when we're tired, we're less patient and more impulsive, so is it worthwhile to be more mindful of our situations and intentionally slow to act? I'm not sure, but I'm going to give it a try!
An awesome story this morning, Sayeh! It has got me really thinking, LOL!!